Inline Trustmarks

Add inline trustmarks to your website.

We offer several inline trustmarks that can be placed anywhere on your website. To install these, log into your account and visit the Trustmarks section.

From there, select the trustmark you'd like to add. You can easily customize the size. Then copy the provided code and paste it into your website code where you'd like the trustmark to display.

Inline trustmarks require a Pro plan and the main code to be installed on any page you'd like to display the trustmarks.

Trustmark Code Example

Here an example of the trustmark code for the Certified Secure engagement trustmark.

<div class="trustedsite-trustmark" data-type="202" data-width="120"  data-height="50"></div>

It includes:

  • The class of trustedsite-trustmark which is used for all inline trustmarks.

  • data-type specifies the type of trustmark to display

  • data-width determines the width of the trustmark

  • data-height determines the height of the trustmark

These values can be easily generated in the TrustedSite dashboard.


You can easily customize the trustmark positioning or other elements using CSS. We recommend adding an additional wrapping div around the generated trustmark code and applying styles to that.

<div id="myTrustmark"><div class="trustedsite-trustmark" data-type="202"></div></div>
#myTrustmark {

Looking for HTML-only trustmarks?

We currently only offer HTML-only trustmarks to customers with an enterprise plan. Get in touch to learn more.

Last updated

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