Pagination & Sorting

The TrustedSite API supports pagination and sorting on records that contain lists.

Common Parameters

  • start: The record to begin at.

    • Default: 0

  • limit: The number of records to return.

    • Default: 100

    • Maximum: 1000

  • sort: How the records are sorted. See specific API calls for valid values.

  • sort_desc: Set to 1 to sort in descending order.

    • Default: False


Responses that contain lists have the following generic format:

   request: {
      sort: 1,
      start: 100,          //if not 0
      asof: '2022-01-01',  //if specified in request
      target_filter: 'pci' //if specified in request
      target_count: 10,
   pagination: {
      total: 1533,
      start: 100,
      limit 100
   list: [

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